Energy requalification in Brescia:
Oliver and Silvia’s new house 

Energy requalification in Brescia:
Oliver and Silvia’s new house 

Energy requalification in Brescia: Let’s have a look at how Oliver and Silvia managed to find comfort and improve their well-being at home and…  pay lower bills!

This time I have a “before and after” in store fore you, which will literally leave you speechless. 

Following the steps of the method LivIng Alessi, we redeveloped the house of Oliver and Silvia who – alas – had already spent some money a few years earlier on a renovation that had not brought the results they expected. 

Well, I don’t like to judge other people’s work. My goal is to show you how you can achieve excellent results that exceed your expectations by following a precise method based on your needs and desires. 

Let’s have a sneak peek at Oliver and Silvia’s house.

Energy requalification project in Brescia: do not just trust the first person who happens by

“Now I’ll just go out with the first man who happens by!”

Ever heard of the famous Italian Fiat commercial?  

There was this woman arguing with her partner on the phone, and at one point she hangs up the phone and says: “I’ve had enough! You know what? Now I’ll just go out with the first man who happens by!”

Oliver and Silvia did pretty much the same thing when they decided to carry out some improvement works on their house. They trusted the first professional who promised them 5-star comfort and very high energy savings with few quick interventions.

The story of Oliver and Silvia begins with a house that had already undergone some renovation works. 

But the two of them found themselves in a situation common to many: despite having made significant investments in renovations, their house didn’t improve in terms of comfort nor did they reduce their power consumption. 

Why? Because they received standardized solutions!

This is a common example of how off-the-shelf solutions offered by many companies in this field – with no personalized approach based on the peculiarities of each building and the real needs of clients – can actually do more harm than good. 

And the result is always the same: just a waste of money. 

I may sound a little harsh, but that is the truth. In other words, “comfort and energy efficiency are on the lips of many professionals, but only in the homes of few customers”. You get what I mean, right? 

If you are thinking of an energy requalification for your house in Brescia, my first suggestion for you is this: avoid easy and standardized solutions (and stay away from those experts promising the stars and the moon). 

The best thing you could do is look for an expert offering a precise method and a personalized approach, who is willing to design a custom project after listening to your needs and expectations.  

Which is exactly what Oliver and Silvia did. 

Energy requalification in Brescia following the method LivIng Alessi

When Oliver and Silvia reached out to us to improve their house in Brescia, it soon became clear that they were seeking to turn their house into a more comfortable and efficient space. 

As a result of a previous unsuccessful experience with renovations, they were left with a house that was always too cold in the winter and too hot in the summer, despite the heating and cooling systems running at full speed – imagine how expensive their bills were!. 

Then they called our studio. 

We set up an appointment and… do you know what’s the first thing we did with them? 

We listened! We took time to understand not only what was not working, but also what Oliver and Silvia were hoping to improve. 

This is not always the case in the construction industry, but it is essential to ensure that the end result can meet customers’ expectations.

The first step of our method LivIng Alessi always consists of listening to our customers, who explain to us exactly what they are looking for, which is the only way for us to conduct a thorough assessment and develop a well-planned design. 

We like to design tailor-made solutions together with the customer. 

In this project, we designed: 

  • thermal insulation of the building envelope (walls and windows) to prevent heat loss and to make the rooms more comfortable all year round;
  • heating and cooling system “tailored to their needs”, using state-of-the-art solutions (heat pump);
  • Thanks to the installation of a solar power system, their home is now greener and less energy-consuming (instead of opting for a small, medium, large or extra-large standard size, like many do, we designed a tailor-made photovoltaic system). And thanks to the power generating from solar panels, we set up a charging station – so Oliver and Silvia can now charge their electric car at home, too.  

We stayed available at all times and assisted our customers during the works, making sure that each step of the process was carried out according to a precisely-planned schedule. And we handled any unexpected inconvenience in a rapid and painless way.

Are you wondering know how the project turned out? A comfy, stylish and less energy-consuming house. 



I say no more, because Oliver and Silvia’s words sum it up perfectly. 

And customers are happy

“We came to know about Studio Alessi almost by chance, as we saw some online posts about Superbonus state incentive and energy requalification. We got in touch with them as we were eager to find out more and to understand what could be done to our house.

Engineer Alessi gave us a warm welcome and, having understood our needs, he designed the best solution for us, supporting us each step of the way up until the end.

Throughout the summer we’ve had the chance to witness first hand the great energy performance of our home, with more comfortable (cooler) rooms and lower energy consumption thanks to a reduced use of air conditioning and the installation of solar panels. What else? We can’t wait to spend the winter in our house». – Oliver and Silvia

Since the end of the works, we have been constantly in touch to make sure that everything is in order and that there were no particular problems, and we also provided assistance to help our customers navigate through the bureaucracy of state incentives.  

This is what LivIng Alessi is all about.

Energy requalification in Brescia – 100% guaranteed results

Are you thinking of renovating your house in Brescia and its province, and hoping to be as satisfied as Oliver and Silvia?

Choosing LivIng Alessi means relying on a method that focuses on your needs, ensuring tangible and measurable results. 

We are well known in the area of Salò, Brescia and the shores of Lake Garda as the experts of comfort and energy efficiency, and we are ready to provide you with customized solutions to enhance the comfort in your home and help you cut your energy bills.

We listen carefully to you, we analyse your needs and design a custom project according to PassivHaus and CasaClima standards to guarantee certified results

Don’t settle for empty promises – choose our method, tested for indoor, energy-efficient, high-comfort projects.

We keep our promises – at all times. 

Picture of Eng. Roberto Alessi

Eng. Roberto Alessi