Technical architectural and structural planning studio

for your energy efficient home in Salò, Brescia and its province

We design your home according to PassivHaus and CasaClima standards to guarantee premium comfort and reduce your energy bill, not your quality of life.

Technical architectural and structural planning studio

for your energy efficient home in Salò, Brescia and its province

We design your home according to PassivHaus and CasaClima standards to guarantee premium comfort and reduce your energy bill, not your quality of life.

Enjoy your home in a new and efficient way thanks to a customized project aiming at reaching the highest standards in terms of energy efficiency and high-quality living.


Planning according to CasaClima and PassivHaus standards ensures lower energy consumption compared to traditional houses. 



No more condensation and mold in your rooms and premium air quality at all times thanks to the most innovative technologies and to BioSafe monitoring protocol. 


Ideal temperature in every room throughout the year with minimum costs, never falling below the thermal comfort temperature. 


Designing an energy efficient house means playing your part to safeguard the environment and reduce your carbon footprint.


A house which has been designed to consume less energy and guarantee high-quality living is worth more and stands out on the housing market.

Live better and save money by living in a house which has been designed with a method that ensures efficiency and indoor wellbeing.

Build the house of the future, today!

Our technical studio is a market leader in Salò and on Lake Garda for energy efficient and comfortable new construction and renovations 

Why keep dreaming of living in a comfortable, safe and low-energy house, when you can design it with custom-made solutions to fit your needs? 

If you are thinking about building a new house or renovating your home, don’t settle for solutions which do not really answer your needs. 

Thanks to modern technologies and CasaClima and PassivHaus design techniques, you can finally make your dream home come true without having to compromise.

Our work method focuses on your needs, so you won’t have to settle for standard, ordinary solutions. 

Don’t give up on the wellbeing and comfort you deserve: choose to live in an energy efficient home, built exactly for you and your lifestyle. 

Rely on qualified professionals who design and realize cutting-edge houses in terms of sustainability and energy efficiency in Salò and in the province of Brescia: 

We design your house and wellbeing together, aiming to achieve the highest energy standards with a tailor-made project.

Qualified professionals ready to listen to all your needs and preferences: have you been looking for a Technical Studio like this for your house project in Salò, Brescia and on Lake Garda?

We are here for you, and there isn’t a single request that we can’t satisfy!

From structural planning to technical assistance: we are ready to create together with you a warm and sustainable house, where you can make the best memories of your life.

Feasibility study for new construction and renovations

Analisi e studio strategico nel progetto per un risultato garantito

PassivHaus and CasaClima designs for premium energy efficiency

Building assessment through non-destructive testing (thermal imaging)

Photorealistic 3D rendering showing every detail of the project

Safety coordination during each step of planning and construction works

Comprehensive project management: from planning to works on the construction site

Property consultancy and detailed appraisals.

Here are some of our energy efficient projects for maximum indoor comfort:

Our planning method for tourist accommodation facilities:





in Salò, Brescia and its province

«We came to know about Studio Alessi almost by chance, as we saw some online posts about Superbonus state incentive and energy requalification.

We got in touch with them as we were eager to find out more and to understand what could be done to our house.

Engineer Alessi gave us a warm welcome and, having understood our needs, he designed the best solution for us, supporting us each step of the way up until the end.

Throughout the summer we’ve had the chance to witness first-hand the great energy performance of our home, with more comfortable (cooler) rooms and lower energy consumption thanks to a reduced use of air conditioning and the installation of solar panels.

What else? We can’t wait to spend the winter in our house».

Oliver and Silvia

«We’ve known Studio Alessi for years now, and we decided to entrust them with the renovation of our house because we are fully aware of their competence in terms of energy efficiency.

During the preliminary phase we explained our main issues, such as the presence of moisture in some rooms and the fact that some rooms were absolutely uninhabitable due to excessive heat during the summer.

The selected solutions included roof and wall insulation, a new heating system and a controlled mechanical ventilation system.

We spent the first summer in our house after the renovation, and we were able to achieve the expected result and to use all rooms, keeping a cool temperature inside without turning on the AC.

Winter proved to be even better, as we only turned on the heating in December for a few days, and the temperature inside the house was always comfortable, with unprecedented air quality».

Patrizia and Michele

«We chose Studio Alessi for the renovation project of our house because we were seeking to improve our living comfort and save some money on our energy bills. 

Renovation works ended in November 2021 and, after one whole winter in our “new” home, it is safe to say that the results exceeded our expectations. 

Our energy consumption for heating and hot water dropped by 50%, and comfort in our house increased significantly. 

Our house is no longer cold and uncomfortable, it is now warm and cosy, and we spend less!

We are totally satisfied with the job they did, and we wish we had done all of this much earlier».

Mauro and Ilaria


in Salò, Brescia and its province